Deconstructing Evangelical Orthodoxy | Eric Scot English

Is there any room for a view of theology that is both progressive as well as orthodox? Do the two ways of thinking contradict one another? On the one hand, […]

Source: Deconstructing Evangelical Orthodoxy | Eric Scot English

Trump’s Gestapo Tactics Target Lutheran Minister, Betty Rendón | Leah D. Schade

Betty Rendón, a Lutheran minister, was arrested along with her family when ICE agents raided their home at gunpoint. Targeting a pastor is crossing yet […]

Source: Trump’s Gestapo Tactics Target Lutheran Minister, Betty Rendón | Leah D. Schade

The Sermon You Will Never Hear! | Flying in the Spirit

Today I am going to let you into the Church’s big secret on tithing.I’m going to share with you a Scripture that you will never hear preached on from any pulpit you can think of.But first, a bit of background.Like quite a few other doctrines*, the doctrine of ‘Tithing’ is a contentious o

Source: The Sermon You Will Never Hear! | Flying in the Spirit